What Mobile Device Management Solutions Does a Managed IT Firm Provide?

Learn about mobile device management solutions provided by managed IT firms such as Unified Terminal Management (UEM), Mobile Device Manager Plus (MDM), Mobile Asset Management Experience (MAM), Security Policies & more.

What Mobile Device Management Solutions Does a Managed IT Firm Provide?

Mobile device management (MDM) is a well-established methodology and set of tools used to provide the workforce with mobile productivity tools and applications while keeping them secure. MDM can remotely lock and erase all data, as well as protect your business from ongoing threats of malware and data breaches by blocking the use of unsecure websites and materials. It's almost impossible to control the sites that your team members browse, so let your Managed IT Services in Greenwood IN provider (MSP) do it for you. Unified Terminal Management (UEM) is the integration and evolution of MDM and EMM. It also analyzes each device according to a policy that you have configured and will prevent it from accessing the network and assets, such as file stores, if it is in the wrong location or if any settings present a security risk.

With mobile device management software, an MSP will act as your personal mobile operator and will be responsible for all security management. Mobile device management (MDM) solutions use a client-server architecture, in which devices act as clients, while the MDM server remotely sends settings, applications and policies to manage devices wirelessly (OTA). This system has a cloud-based console and can manage devices and access them anywhere in the world. This container will serve as a corporate workspace independent of the user's personal data and managed exclusively by the IT administrator.

So what are mobile device management policies? MDM policies answer questions about how organizations will manage mobile devices and regulate their use. ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus is a complete business mobile management package that comes in local and cloud-based versions. All Samsung devices work with Android, so you won't be able to manage iOS devices with this system and there's no associated workstation management package. With a mature MDM platform, IT and security departments can manage all devices in a company, regardless of their type or operating system.

Mobile device management (MDM) refers to the process of monitoring, configuring and securing smartphones, tablets, laptops, rugged devices, and IoT devices by IT administrators to ensure that these devices are secure and that they have the necessary corporate resources and permissions. The mobile asset management experience offered by ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus is very comprehensive. MDM solutions allow IT teams and administrators to control and distribute security policies to mobile devices that access their organizations' sensitive corporate data, ensuring the security of the corporate network. UEM solutions can help companies protect and control the entire IT environment and its terminals, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, rugged devices, and IoT devices.

ManageEngine's Mobile Device Manager Plus is an ideal business mobile device management tool for SMEs and large companies.

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